At Travel To Transform…

We believe everybody deserves freedom, and every journey is a gateway to the extraordinary.

Our mission is to transform individuals into thriving global citizens, by unlocking the transformative power of travelling—including both their outer & inner journeys.

We envision a world where everyone can travel freely, live limitlessly and connect deeply, while making impacts positively.

Our Commitment :

Travel To Transform’s books, online courses, coaching programmes, workshops, and keynote speeches are designed to guide you to mastery of both your inner self and the external world.

We empower travel and self-improvement enthusiasts to transcend conventional boundaries & achieve fast success. We are committed to redefining travel from a mere escape to the ultimate tool for self-development.

By reimaging traditional self-help into transformational personal evolution, we create a new way of being where self-awareness, authenticity and purpose lead this revolution.

New Global Citizens

We are pioneering a new way of being, as conscious citizens of the world, creating freedom from the inside-out and thriving by design.

We believe in redefining what it means to live without borders—both the visible ones around us and the invisible ones within us.

Unleashing our full potential, we travel to wherever we want, whenever we want, in whatever way we want, with whoever we want.

Our 5 Core Values :

Meet Our Founder: Freeman Fung

Here’s the Official Bio…

"A true believer in the power of the mind and a cultural diversity advocate at heart."

Freeman Fung (he/him) is an international author, speaker, and certified life coach who has advocated New Global Citizenship at TEDx, Mindvalley, world tourism forums, and more. 

Originally from Hong Kong, he left home solo at age 19 to live in Romania for a Global Village project. He subsequently embarked on a journey to travel and experience life in more than 30 countries (and still counting).

He is on a mission to awaken more world citizens, elevate our global consciousness, and make the world a better place through personal transformations.

Here’s the Real Bio…

Hello, beautiful people around the world! 您好! I’m Freeman Fung. Some call me by my nickname Freedom ;)

I wasn’t born extraordinary, or with a silver spoon in my mouth. I spent most of my childhood playing video games to escape facing my low self-esteem…

I was an ordinary Asian kid who HATED my mundane life but was TOO SCARED to try anything outside my comfort zone…

Thankfully, an unexpected solo trip overseas transformed the entire trajectory of my life. With my new awareness as a conscious global citizen, my life evolved in ways I had never imagined—intellectually, culturally, socially, financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

Now, I want to inspire you to utilise travelling as the ultimate fast track to your personal transformation. And help you unleash your limitless potential in this modern world!


From Surviving to Thriving

Travelling solo around the world may look dazzling (especially on social media nowadays!). But the truth is cultivating an international life is a process, not an overnight occurrence.

Life wasn’t always this way… I had to step in shit, face racial prejudice, and fuck up from time to time. Those experiences taught me to get back up, continue my global journey, and become a better version of myself.

My story is about a ten-year commitment (& still counting) to travel in order to understand myself and the world better. And those intentions led to surprisingly powerful personal transformations. BUT you don’t need to take ten years—just enough time to read my book Travel to Transform and apply the principles to your own life. (Or if you want a fast-track, check out my online course here!)

The personal growth I’ve experienced through travel has filled me with joy, freedom, and happiness from within.

The most powerful lesson? When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

My life has taken unexpected twists and turns. The egotistical, angry, mean-spirited me evolved into a holistic being who values compassion, inclusivity, and self-awareness. Little did I know, there were limitless opportunities waiting for me to seize. On a global scale. (Literally.)

Doesn’t matter where you were born, what colour your skin is, or how many countries you’ve been to—you can transform and become the change you want to see in the world!

Freeman Fung Balcony in Sydney

Ways you can Level Up with me

Travel to Transform Book