Fearless & Successful Podcast with Dijana Llugolli
The Fearless and Successful Podcast is hosted by Coach D, designed for changemakers just like you. As a coach, Activator of Human potential and Freedom architect Dijana has one mission with this podcast: to inspire you to Dream Big, Plan for Success and Impact the World.
You can also expect Fearless stories from leaders around the world who designed life and business on their own terms. If we can do it, so can YOU.
Listen to the full episode here:
Episode Highlights:
1. Global Citizens - what it is and where you born with it
2. Galactic Beings: Ken Wilber
3. Consciousness Framework
4. Travelling Inwards
Here’s also a snippet from the episode:
More About D:
Dijana Llugolli is an international award - winning success and business coach who teaches female entrepreneurs how to rapidly launch and scale their online businesses through aligned and inspired action.
Drawing from her studies in business and nearly two d ecades of experience as a serial entrepreneur, she helps her clients to reach $40K a month in 90 days or less. Her goal is to inspire millions of women to BE more and HAVE more without having to DO more.
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Freeman Fung: I think one thing central to my transformation, which is a big part of what I've shared in my book as well, is to go outside our comfort zone. And, you know, I think in psychological terms, right, it's called the mere-liking effect. And what that means is that we’re always, always picking the things that we feel familiar with, the things that we like. May that be the music, shops, and clothes that we love and the color that we always choose. And subconsciously, right, like, we always, through this meal (idea?), like, feel a bubble around ourselves. And I was the same as well, as they shared this Romanian story. And that was the time when I felt lost. As I said, I don't know what happens with my life, but I come to a point, you know what? I have nothing to lose!
Dijana Llugolli: The fearless and successful podcast is hosted by your Hive Girl D, and it's designed for change-makers just like you as an activator of human potential and freedom architect. I have one mission with this podcast: to show you that you can be, do and have anything you desire. I love all things money, mindset, and manifestation. I am so excited to share my hacks to help you activate your infinite potential. And I will also be sharing fearless stories from leaders around the world who design life and business on their terms. Remember, if we can do it, so can you. Fearless soul, if you're ready to dream big and make an impact, let's get this party started.
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Fearless People, season seven, You guys, I could not be more excited, more honored, or more privileged to have my dear, dear brother, Freeman Fung, tuning in from Australia and coming here for transformation, contribution, elevation, consciousness, and everything that we stand for. And I'm so grateful that you took the time to be here. Thank you so much.
Freeman Fung: Wow. Thank you so much for having me here, Dee. I’ve been so looking forward to this one and am very excited to kick-start the year with you and all the fearless listeners as well. Yeah, today will be a free-throw conversation and exchange. I see that happening already.
Dijana Llugolli: I know, because sometimes there's also this expectation when you have people that you already know and they have such a heartfelt mission, and it's like, where do we even start? Because I know you. What is the secret that I want to showcase to my people? Because it's like, where do we start? Because I know you. We met in person; we did so much work together, and there's always this excitement. I want to share everything about you because you're such an amazing human and global citizen. But where do we start? So we're going to start at the beginning, and it's like a simple introduction to who you are. So our listeners know why I'm so excited about your work.
Freeman is an international author, certified life coach, and Mind Valley Coordinator for Australia, who has advocated for new global citizenship at TEDxWalterism forums and more. A true believer in the power of the mind and with a heart inspired by cultural diversity and inclusion, he's on a mission to awaken more world citizens and make our world a better place through personal transformations. And I'm just getting, like, chill bumps just reading this, because that's who you are, and that's the true essence of you. And tell me, has this always been within you, this global citizen persona?
Freeman Fung: That's a great question. I think when people ask me, have you been a global citizen since you were born? The answer is no. Because to be honest, when we are all born into this world, we aren’t taught the fact that we are citizens of the world, right? We are taught that we might be Swedish, maybe Taiwanese, maybe Hong Kongese, or whatever labels our friends and families or societies want to put on us, right? So the answer is no. And the beautiful thing is that throughout my transformation journey and also traveling around the world, I have become the global citizen I am today. And that's why I became so enthusiastic to share this message with everyone. Because a nobody like me, who grew up in Hong Kong as a nobody and an Asian male, was not the smartest kid in the class, and I always had self-esteem issues when I was younger, if that person can become this kind of global citizen today, living a joyful, thriving life, and being able to help more global citizens awaken in their lives and recreate a beautiful journey for themselves, then actually so can you, to go back to that question. So that's why we weren't born as global citizens in the sense that we didn't have that mindset. But if you and the listeners and all of us can make this shift, make this shift up to the global mindset, then yes, we can embrace this global citizen mindset, and in turn, we're going to try to transform our lives and unleash a global wealth of opportunities into our lives.
Dijana Llugolli: That's so, so true. I love that you said, we are not born into it. And because I was born into an immigrant family, my parents moved from Bosnia to Slovenia. So I already had that predisposition that it's still the same region in the world. But when I truly moved to Sweden, I experienced what global citizenship means because I love Sweden. After all, it's such a colorful and diverse society. We have so many different cultures. And for me, there is a song that I used to listen to by a Swedish artist, performer, and songwriter, in which she says that there is no color, no race, no religion, and gender, that divides us. And I think we are still so far from that consciousness that nothing divides it. We are like one and we are unified in this cause. Pure intention of love and sharing love. But we are getting there. I think that we are consciously awakening to the fact that we are one. So I'm just curious: how do you in Australia experience that? Because for me, we know that we work for MindValley, and we work a lot with that. We know that that's the standard in our communities. But just like where you live, is that something that is commonly observed? We are one, and there is unity in the world even though on one side of the world we have Russia and Ukraine that are fighting, and we have a war coming up or just happening. Is that in Australia something that people are like, yeah, but we are global citizens, we are one? We are not just Australians. Are we beyond that?
Freeman Fung: I think the answer is yes and no. I moved here to Sydney, Australia, around December 2019, and I think that was before the pandemic happened. And I think it's an interesting shift and experience for myself as well, because, as you said, I think the world is evolving and moving into a place where we are all experiencing the same consciousness. Right? But I think this is something that is also happening globally in different places because we do have this push from globalization. And I shared this in my Ted Talk: Are we as globalized as the world as well? I did a Ted Talk when I was 22 in London, and it's so funny thinking about it now when I share that message about, you know, how technology and the world have already globalized but human consciousness hasn't yet. And, when we talk about all these global crises, whether it be religious conflicts, poverty, or any other crisis we are looking at when we pull back the curtains, there's a similar threat between all these issues, incidents, or problems, as we call them, and they are actually all set in motion by human beings. Right? It's not about the fact that we don't have the technology to help people; we don't have that piece of technology to get our lives into a better state or to help third-world countries. No, it's actually about that conscious understanding of another nation, of the cultures of another race. Right? It's that compassionate understanding that we are one. That it doesn't matter what our skin colors are, where we were born, what nationalities we have on our passport, or whatever educational level we are at. We are all human beings. You and I are no different. And I think it is that shift all around the world, not just in Australia or Hong Kong, where I was born. And I think it's because people start having this awakening or this understanding that, yeah, actually, you know what? There are a lot of conflicts and negative things that are happening in the world, as well as all the negative news. And you know what’s actually behind all these things? There’s a piece of something or some power that belongs to us that we have control over, which is understandable. Of all other nations and countries. And I think that beautiful conscious awareness helps us become better human beings no matter where we are or where we live. Because in the end, in a globalized world, we are one. We are living in one global village and community.
Dijana Llugolli: Yeah. Wow. So good. When I was in Thailand, I picked something up from one of our friends when we asked her; this was so fun. When we asked her, what do you do? And she said I'm a galactic being. And that was so fun because I was like, wow, my book is about global issues, just like yours. I consider myself a global citizen. But when she said that, it was like, yeah, we are galactic beings. This is like one level beyond global citizenship. Because I sometimes really have this. And this might be a little sidetracked, but I sometimes think there are other species in this Galaxy, and they're looking at us like humans and they probably think these humans are so stupid; they're so unevolved. Why are they fighting with the same people? We're the same species, we're the same people, and we're still fighting. And they're like this—let's call them aliens, which they are not. We have this wrong image of what aliens are: just another species, and they're probably looking at us and thinking that it's not even worth our time to be on this planet because they're so unevolved. They're like 5,000 years behind us. Because any other, even animals of the same kind, work in tribes; they work in coherence; they work together, and we are fighting with each other. That's so….
Freeman Fung: Right! Flying in the same school, swimming in the same school, and then birds flying the same flock, we see herds of animals, right? And it's such a beautiful natural phenomenon that the same species will work together rather than compare, right? And I love what you said about galactic beings because I share this a little bit in my books as well. After all, other than sharing my travel stories and also the lesson behind one objective, what I want to share with the reader is also this framework of understanding and how we can better navigate the cultural gaps. Right? Because when we are learning about our societies and our culture it is always about ourselves, but never about others. In a sense, if we have a map, if we have this framework or model to help us conceptualize things, it accelerates our understanding so much quicker. And the reason it's related to galactic beings this term, right, is because trying to understand the level of consciousness. And one of my biggest influencers, Ken Wilbur, is the Integral Thinker, the Integral Philosopher. And for those listeners who haven't heard about Ken, he’s almost equivalent, as we say, to the modern Einstein of consciousness and the work he's done with integral is like the equivalent of the theory of everything. And then what I share in my book is that I try to put this framework into practical story sharing as well. Because you know what? When we look at the level of consciousness, and this is where it gets interesting, you can think about the level of consciousness in a way that is a spectrum, but at the same time, we can dissect it in a way to see which level of development and individual it is. So to get through it quickly, right? So where we're starting from, most people start from an egocentric place, right? And what that means is that we are self-centered. So everything I do is about me, and I think about myself pretty straightforwardly, right? And then moving on to the next level is ethnocentric. So what that means is I engage with my tribe, which shares the same values. So it could be a group; it could be the church group you go to; it could be the same football club you join. It could be the same school or university you go to, where you share the same value in doing the same thing. So that is ethnocentric, right? And then what happens with that is that we start to see conflicts, because when one school, say, Christianity, is not happy with Buddhism, if their ideologies are similar, then they fight, in a sense. So that is where the ethnocentric central level is, right? And then going to the next, which is what we have been talking about since the start of this podcast, is, well-centric, right? And coming to the well-centric level, what that means is we elevate our consciousness to an extent. Yeah. I identify myself as egocentric. I am Freeman, right? And I identify myself as ethnocentric. I am a Hong Kongese. Right. And I also identified myself in a well-centered way as a global citizen. And what that means is that each level of consciousness transcends and includes the last. And the beauty of it is we don't exclude any of my own identity because I'm a free man, and I can still be a world citizen. Right. And this is where the beauty of elevating our consciousness lies. And when it comes to galactic beings, that's exactly where we're going next. So, in my book, I share that this is not what disgusted me in the scope of my book because what we are trying to do is elevate people from egocentric to ethnocentric and well-centric. And then, when we are reaching this well-centric state, yeah, we can become this awakened species to go to the next level, which is what Ken Wilbur calls the planet centric, which means I live on and understand the harmony of this planet. So I also engage in environmental thinking and leave as well, because I don't only think about our species but how we are part of this beautiful ecosystem on planet Earth. And then the last level, the next level would be Cosmo centric, which is exactly like you said, a galactic being. And I love how this spurs our discussion here because concentric means we have this integral understanding that we are one with the universe, right? It's even more going beyond our planet because we acknowledge and understand there is also cosmic energy or organisms or beings that are outside our current spectrum of understanding and that we are still just a tiny star seat or piece of stardust in this whole expansive universe. And that is the cosmos-centric level. But without dragging this out too much we are at a stage now where we are trying to lead and awaken more global citizens so that we can lead our species to the next stage of the evolution of human consciousness.
Dijana Llugolli: But yeah it's so fun that we have this discussion because I think. Our mentor, Regan, like she always talks about the vision beyond vision. And if you have the vision that is like this cosmic centric and it's like this cosmos that we all want to be part of, when you see that and you're still at the first level, it's still good because okay, so there is so much to expand. But it's not just global citizenship. There is something beyond. People can, but I might get to global citizenship faster because I also have a desire to become a cosmic person, like a cosmic human. So it's this awareness that there is something beyond. But I'm here but know that my next level is global citizenship. And that's the intention of this podcast in your book to get people there. And I am excited for people to get into that because that is, I believe, the necessity for now, here and now, that is necessary for all humans to embrace. That we are that and then we who we are already, then we can have these discussions, beautiful discussions that are not weird in any sense. There is beyond that. And I think sometimes when we talk about this with people who are not there yet, I think they also get a little bit freaked out like what are you saying? And I just want to pull back people and to say, yeah, if you are freaked out by something greater in the universe and you're listening to this, which I know that people already know and I believe in that stuff, so it won't be a surprise to my listeners. But also if you just came across this podcast and you're like what the fuck are they are talking about? I want to calm you down and just ground you. You don't need to believe in the cosmos, you don't need to believe in the universe. We're going to meet you where you are, even if you're on the first level. But we would want to encourage you to think globally, to think that you're part of this global citizenship because that is the reality, that is the level that's going to be expanded not in the next few years, but it's already happening right now and if….. I don't want to be like, oh, you're missing out. But if you want to be part of this. Because that is a beautiful place to belong, to the global community, to the global family. Because we think in ways that are not limited. We're not limited to a country, we are not limited to a color or a religion. And that is so beautiful to feel that you belong to a family that doesn’t define you by your religion, your nation, whatever but sees you as a human being as we are, this beautiful love and compassion and grace and enlightenment and bliss and that's beautiful.
Freeman Fung: Yeah, that's such a beautiful way to look at it. Because when I write a book, I also know that there are a lot of people coming from a place to think, why does it even matter to me? And don't get me wrong; as I say, I wasn't born as a global citizen with that global mindset, even though, yes, I am a citizen of the world. I was born into this world because it's so modernized already. But I never had that mindset in place. So I also asked that question: Why does it even matter to me? Why would I care? Why can't I just live my current life as it is? If I'm working a job that pays well and has my family living in the same country, if I'm happy with it, why do I even want to bother? And here's what I would tell my younger self, as well as all those listeners who are considering getting to this wealth-centric level as well. Because you know what, think about it. The chair that you are sitting in now, the headphones that you are listening to, the shirt that you are wearing, and everything that you have right now in front of you, in your room, in your environment they all come from different parts of the world, right? Even the cell phone in your pocket was designed maybe in Silicon Valley, and then it was assembled maybe in China, right? And then it was distributed by whatever distribution channel and country it was in. So what that means is that we are living in a globalized world. But here's the interesting thing: because of our traditional education, our schools, families, societies, and government -- what they have been teaching us is that, they try to give us a local solution, while what we are solving is a global problem. And by global problem, I don't only mean poverty or global justice, but looking at your problem at a world-centric level. And if you can look at, dissect, and review your obstacles in that well-centric way, then no wonder we are stuck in life, right? Because all we are trying to do is use a local solution. May that be climbing the ladder faster, may that be getting the next promotion, may that be getting a bigger house, a bigger car, a joyful family in the sense that they are always linearly thinking things because that's what we are taught and what we are conditioned to most of the time, right? And if you think about that, that is a limiting environment and a limiting box for you. You are not able to live life in the most joyful and limitless way because there is a beautiful, unlimited world out there, but we are trying to live in a local paradigm. And for me, my transformation story is that after understanding it right and even taking a step back, I might speak as an international speaker and bestselling author now, but I never guessed that my life would be that way. When I was born in Hong Kong, I spent the first 19 years of my life not understanding my life at all. I had no purpose because I played video games all the time. You can picture me as that Asian mouse sitting in the room playing games like League of Legends online with my friends, my headsets on, and just playing 20 hours per day. I was like that because I couldn't cope with reality. I lose every single time I'm in that rat race. I was never the smartest kid in class. I never got an A in mathematics, unlike most Asian stereotypes. And I came from a place like that, where I was losing all the time and feeling so defeated that I almost killed myself. I had my dark moments. But the beautiful thing is that I was fortunate enough to start traveling solo during university. And as crazy as it sounds, I went to Romania and lived there for a whole summer. And I was probably one of the very few Asians who lived in the Transylvania state at that time. But that turned out to be the best summer in my life. And then that subsequently led me to backpack in Europe, study in the UK, and then started working for a multinational company as well as traveling with them. And today I have been to over 35 countries and am still counting because, after adapting this global mindset and understanding it, you know what? I can construct and create my life in a well-centric way. Rather than following the same formula everyone is doing or climbing the same corporate ladder, everyone is thinking that I need to be higher and higher and higher. Instead of doing that, we can pause and think about what our global life could look like. And that transformation is why I'm doing the work I'm doing now and sharing this concept of new global citizenship with everyone. And to all the listeners, this doesn't sound, you know, like something far out at all, because creating an international life is not an overnight occurrence, but it's a step-by-step process. But the next step always comes from the intention of wanting to see and understand the world better. And by that, you can unleash unlimited opportunities into your life, and it will make your whole life so different, so transformative, that you would never expect it.
Dijana Llugolli: Wow, this is so good. And I love that story that you shared about Romania. I didn't know that. And this is like I can imagine that just leaving Hong Kong and going to Romania, it felt like, what the heck am I doing?
Romania is in Europe for us. Before I moved to Sweden, I visited almost every European country, and for me, we already lived in Europe. The cultures are similar, but then going from really one Asian culture to European culture, which even Romania has, is a very different culture from the rest of Europe. It's like, wow, what is this? But also, going back to my original question, I have a question that popped into my mind. And people who might already be traveling before the pandemic and then exploring the world might think, but I am already a global citizen. I have already traveled the world. What was the difference between traveling and seeing different cultures for me?
And then I moved to a different country? And that was not the case when I embodied and embraced the fact that I'm a global citizen. It happened when I realized that I was living in a country but living an international life. And going back to what you said, like, a local solution for a global problem, I never had, even though I'm a dual citizen. I don't. And sometimes I say, yeah, Sweden is my home, and also Slovenia is my home, but it's also the rest of the world that is my home because I have genuinely built connections there.
All over the world. I have friends all around the world and that is for me, the understanding that I am a global citizen because I can deeply connect with people from different parts of the world based on the same values and same interests. For me, that's the kind of foundation we have the same values, we have the same purpose, and we have the same intentions for the world. And that's all that it's needed to create this global community. It doesn't need to be based on, oh, but I work in the same field, it doesn't matter. It is that awareness that we are all in this together and we all have the same aim to make this human world and human experience as happy as possible. Everyone wants to be happy. Like we just forgot that. Happiness is our birthright. You get to be happy. You get to be joyful. You get to feel loved, and you get to share the love. It's our human birthright. I know we've, in the past three years, felt grief, sadness, a lot of loss. A lot of dark feelings. But I feel that now that people are going back to traveling and experiencing the world, I do believe that they are seeing the world through different lenses. As a world, the pandemic didn't happen to just one country. I mean what happened to the world? It's a historical moment, or whatever disaster happened to the world. And I think that everyone who is traveling now sees the world through this.
And for everyone who is traveling now, what would be your best kind of advice when people are traveling the world? How to see cultures differently and how to embrace that; hi, I'm a part of this world. It's not like I'm flying in from Sweden, Italy, or Hong Kong. It doesn't matter. I'm here, and I want to connect with other people who feel like they belong in this world.
Freeman Fung: Yeah, great question. I call this concept traveling inwards in my book. And you're right, because when I share my message, right, actually, if you have never traveled before, then yeah, sure. I think hearing this inspiring story, hearing this fearless story, is going to help you go outside your comfort zone and then help you start seeing the world. But at the same time, let's say you already travel domestically, then going outside that comfort zone and even having exotic experiences traveling solo is going to lead you to the next stage of your growth and your opportunities, right? And if you already are a global citizen like me and D, you have embraced this global mindset, and you have been making a global impact through your career or maybe the work that you are doing, then the next stage of growth is where this beautiful traveling inwards, as I call it, comes in. Because if you think about it, while there is a beautiful outside world that we can experience and that we can explore and adventure into all the delicious world cuisine we could try whenever we go to a new country, at the same time, there's a beautiful inside world where we can always transform our mind, body, and spirit. And this is where our inner work of elevating—our deep sense of self-awareness, cultural awareness, and compassion for other countries—comes from. And now, when we put this together, when these two worlds coincide or lie together, this is where that beauty lies. A well of opportunity and personal growth unleashing into your world and mindset, heart set, and soul set, if you will. It's going to unleash into you in ways you never imagined were possible. And this is a practical tour in a sense as well, because if you think about it, when we travel so much and see so many other countries and I'm sure many listeners here are also successful entrepreneurs as well, and you possibly have worked with people from all around the world from different cultural backgrounds, but at the same time right, that exterior stimulation and experience don’t necessarily mean it's going to stimulate your growth inside, as a person. In the end, how we understand the outside world comes from our internal being and internal mindset. So what I'm sharing with all those global citizens who are listening as well, go inwards. Do your inner work. And the more we improve ourselves through personal mastery, the more we can actually communicate better with people outside, understand other cultures faster, and even create more international impacts effortlessly, simply because we understand our inner growth so much better than we could already have. And you are completely right—the pandemic to me is a blessing in disguise, there are so many grievances, so many sad stories and news, and I wrote about them in my book as well. There was the Asian hate incident as well, right? Like when I was in Australia, it happened to me a few times. Unfortunately, people thought I had COVID-19 just because I looked Chinese, which, by the way, Hong Kong is culturally different from China, in case you didn't know. But that is such a sad story to see because there are people who are at the egocentric level, thinking, I need to protect myself all the time, and they forget about this beautiful, well-centric state where we are all in this together. The pandemic doesn't affect one country; it affects the whole globe, the whole world. What's happening on one side of the world spreads across the other, and this is such a blessing in disguise because it's a beautiful lesson to remind us, the human species, that it's time to wake up!
Freeman Fung: Global citizens, we can make this world a better place through personal transformation. And that's where traveling inward is important. One of the reasons I became a life coach and am now an advocate is because, when it comes to the travel industry, when you look at Instagram, you see all these amazing travels. Influencers, quote, unquote, having all these amazing photos, videos, and vlogs, and sharing all the luxury living and going to this country and that and flying with a private jet. And don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, and there's nothing wrong with any of this. That's also on my list of goals to pursue in my own life, to manifest but at the same time, right? Welcome to a state where we think traveling is all about how it's for the wealthy and the fortunate, and it doesn't fit with my mundane life right now, right? And that becomes such an obstacle, a limiting mindset. Including my younger self as well. Because we then think, oh, being a traveler means having to be rich, or being a travel influencer means having to go to all these amazing places and I can't just experience the country in whatever form fits my lifestyle, right? And that's why I wanted to remind the listeners: if you are a global citizen and travel inward, you will see more in the depth of your mind, body, and spirit, and the deeper we travel within, the more beautiful the world we can see. And even when we travel to the same country again, it's never the same for me, right?
I always travel back to Hong Kong from time to time. I think across my last decade of traveling, I went back to Hong Kong maybe every half year at first, then maybe every year, and now every other year. Now I haven't been back for almost three years. But the funny thing is, every time I travel back to my home country, as I call it, every time I learn so many new things through my family and friends and the same streets I used to walk by, it is simply because we have been upgrading our mindset on how we see the world and that mental framework, that mental model, or the integral model of consciousness that we have been talking about in this podcast gives us that awareness and makes us a better person. And when we go to even the same country, and go back to the same place, we have a new understanding of that place. And by emanating this new understanding through compassion and love to the people around you, you transform yourself, and then you transform others. And by transforming others, you transform the world as well. It, and to me, that's never a quick fix, a quick fix, or a magic bullet that we can use to transform the world. The only way we can do it is by raising our global consciousness through individuals, one by one.
Dijana Llugolli: Wow, so beautiful. Traveling in words, and I can relate to that, I've been in Sweden for ten years now, and every time I go back to my home country, Slovenia, I find so much appreciation for my country. And I always like to find myself talking about my country when I'm promoting it. It's really like, yeah, Slovenia is such a beautiful country. The fact that it's the only country with love in its name makes it so beautiful, and it's also like these wonderful places. I find myself speaking about my country through a completely new lens of understanding how precious every part of the world is. I love that you said it was like really traveling inwards. It's such an interesting concept, and I think this is the invitation—not just for someone who is traveling but also to always make sure that you are doing the inner work. I know that you guys are doing it; you're the best, but that work never stops. I just want to say that no matter how far you come, always see it as just the beginning, because a new level, a new layer of you, will always experience and see the world through the new you, and it's such a beautiful perspective. So yeah, no matter how much work you do, keep on doing it; it never stops. It never stops, and it's like, really, this understanding of what is on the other side of this inner work, you will never know because you will never reach your infinite potential. We might aim for it; we might aim to reach it, but it is never reachable, and that is exciting. It is also really fascinating that we are always improving; we are always working on ourselves. We will never reach that ultimate state of exploration because, guess what, just the soul and the human experience exist, and your soul will travel to different places and live different lives; that's another story for another time, but I want to just wrap up this beautiful conversation. I could talk with you for hours, but I want you to share the moment when you felt really scared. Like, oh my God, this is so frightening. But you did it anyway. Now, when you look back in hindsight, this is your fear-to-success story. What was that?
Freeman Fung: Yeah, it's a beautiful question. I think one thing central to my transformation, which is a big part of what I've shared in my book as well, is to go outside our comfort zone. And I think, in psychological terms, it's called the mere-liking event. And what that means is that we always, always pick the things that we feel familiar with, the things that we like, whether it be the music style we like, the clothes that we love, or the color that we always choose. And subconsciously, right through this mere-liking effect, we always, always build a bubble around ourselves. And I was the same as well, as I shared the Romanian story. And that was the time when I felt lost. As I said, I don't know what happens with my life, but I come to a point. You know what? I have nothing to lose. And if this fear is still holding me back—that I want to stay in my comfort zone forever—then I'm going to be the same person forever in my life, right? And I don't want that. I didn't want that. And I think, fortunately, with a growth mindset, I have made a decision to, you know what, and I would love to see the world, even though I never thought about it. And I think by really making that decision and going to Europe and seeing the whole world, which sparks off those ten years of traveling afterward cultural exchange, traveling with my business, working for a multinational company, becoming a life coach, serving MindValley as well as all sorts of things connected with global citizens around the world. It's all because of that fearless moment that I've chosen to go outside my comfort zone. And this is my story. And in my book, I also share a much more practical way and also the framework readers and listeners can use and embody into their circumstances as well. Because when you read a non-fiction book or how-to guide, I never believe you can read anything, follow it step by step, and expect your life to turn out in the same way. I never believed that. However, we as human beings have this remarkable ability to learn from one another's experiences and stories. And by understanding this comfort zone, by understanding this mere-liking effect, by understanding this model of limiting framework that it has been building on us since the day we were born, by being able to break through this, everyone, anyone who is listening to this, would be able to break through their fear. And going into a much more beautiful life that is awaiting them. And I think that's where my fearless success moment is, which I would love to share because it is my moment. Yes, it is about Romania, but no, for all the listeners, it's not about you going to Romania. It's not about whether you are Asian or not. It's about whether you want to become fearless, whether you want to break through your mundane life and go into this world of opportunity to become limitless. Because if we can do it, so can you. If I, as a nobody from a humble background who never had a silver spoon in my mouth, and those sitting here, can become the global citizens we are today, so can you.
Dijana Llugolli: Wow! So inspiring, so beautiful. And I can't wait for people to grab the book. So, guys, if you feel called to explore the framework of consciousness that Freeman was talking about and want to read some of the stories that he experienced through his transformation and through traveling, head over to traveltotransform.com. Also, the link is in the show notes. And if you have a message for freeman and you want to connect with him, where is the one place that you want to direct people? Where can they connect, say hi, and see your work?
Freeman Fung: Yeah, absolutely. So traveltotransform.com, my website, would be a really good place to go as my platform, as I just published my book. And then the website came through as well. This is also the platform where I'm going to build a global citizen community and also do my coaching work because I truly believe the world is already globalized but we don't have enough global citizens. So if you, a listener, would love to be the next global citizen, or even if you are already a global citizen and you want to be the next level of a global citizen, then connect with us. We are always here. We are one, and we are just living on this one planet. And technology brings us no barriers at all. And you and I can always connect. Yeah.
Dijana Llugolli: So cool. Yeah. I just love this. And you guys, I know that you can feel his heart and his mission to help people awaken to this new level of consciousness. And if you feel called to, please visit the link in the show notes and also connect with Freeman on Instagram. Catch him doing his thing, like, really transforming lives globally, which is so exciting. You might get inspired, and you might get this nudge. Yeah, I can do it, too. Thank you so much. Freeman. This was a delight, and I can't wait to see what's in store for you in 2023.
Freeman Fung: Thank you so much, D, for having such a beautiful conversation with another global citizen and more.
Dijana Llugolli: Speak soon. Ciao,
My fearless souls thank you so much for tuning in and taking the time to listen to this episode. I appreciate you, and I am so excited to hear from you. Please go to “https://kite.link/insider”, and leave a review if you haven't already. Extra points. If you screenshot this episode and post it on your IG stories and tag me at @Dijana Llugolli, tell me what your big takeaway is. With that being said, I'm sending you a daily dose of D. I love you, and I'm so, so grateful for you. Till infinity.